Terms and Conditions

Here you will find the most recent version of the BPO.com.bd terms and conditions (“Terms”). These Terms should be read carefully. You may only access, use, and browse the BPO.com.bd products (“Products”), BPO.com.bd services (“Services”), and the BPO.com.bd website https://www.bpo.com.bd/ (“Website”), subject to your agreement to these Terms.

Terms And Conditions : You Should Must Read

You may only access, use, and browse the BPO.com.bd products (“Products”), BPO.com.bd services (“Services”), and the BPO.com.bd website https://www.bpo.com.bd/ (“Website”), subject to your agreement to these Terms. You must read, agree to, and accept these Terms. By creating an account, or by using or visiting our Website, you agree to these Terms, and you indicate your acceptance of these Terms.

1. Getting a BPO.com.bd Account

You are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and for all activities that occur under your account, as well as any other actions taken in connection with your account. It is your responsibility to provide and maintain accurate, current and complete information, including your contact information for notices and other communications from us. BPO.com.bd reserves the right to remove or change any information that it deems to be inappropriate or unlawful. 

To maintain the security of your username and password, it is your responsibility. Any unauthorized use of your information, account, or any other security breach must be reported to BPO.com.bd immediately. You are solely responsible for the actions you take, including any damages incurred. Our company will keep your account secured by keeping your information in the safest way but for any issues we need to be informed as early as possible.

2. Responsibilities of Users of the Website, Products, and/or Services

Your access to, and use of, the Website, Products, and/or Services must be lawful and comply with these terms, as well as any other agreement between you and BPO.com.bd. Your ecommerce store may be legally protected by terms and conditions. You specify the terms that your consumers will observe throughout a purchase in this form of legal agreement.

You must behave civilly and respectfully at all times when accessing or using the Website, Products, and/or Services. A well-written terms and conditions agreement is critical to the long-term profitability. We explicitly prohibit any use of the Website, Products, and/or Services, and you agree not to use the Website for any of the following:

2. Responsibilities of Users of the Website, Products, and/or Services

Your access to, and use of, the Website, Products, and/or Services must be lawful and comply with these terms, as well as any other agreement between you and BPO.com.bd. Your ecommerce store may be legally protected by terms and conditions. You specify the terms that your consumers will observe throughout a purchase in this form of legal agreement.

You must behave civilly and respectfully at all times when accessing or using the Website, Products, and/or Services. A well-written terms and conditions agreement is critical to the long-term profitability. We explicitly prohibit any use of the Website, Products, and/or Services, and you agree not to use the Website for any of the following:

1. Engaging in conduct that would violate any city, state, national, or international law or regulation, or otherwise violate any city, state, national, or international law or regulation.

2. Communicating, transmitting, or posting copyrighted or otherwise owned material unless you are the copyright owner or have permission from the owner to do so.

3. It is prohibited to communicate, transmit, or post information that might reveal trade secrets unless you own the information or have permission from its owner.

4. Attempting to interfere with the Website, or our networks or network security, or using our Website to gain unauthorized access to any other computer system.

Payments and Fees

You agree to pay a BPO.com.bd annual subscription fee for any Products or Services you purchase. Payments will be due on the day of signing up for a Product and/or Service and will cover an annual period unless otherwise stated. Customers want rapid, safe, and simple online payments. We set up the correct payment gateway for your organization to help the process go. Every details of the payments guideline will be given to the customers. 

Third-party Content and Materials

BPO.com.bd has not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material, including computer software, posted to the Website, and is not responsible for its content, use, or effects. It is not implied or represented by BPO.com.bd that it endorses the information they provide on the Website, nor that it believes it to be accurate, useful, or not harmful. There may be offensive, indecent, or otherwise objectionable contents on the Website, as well as inaccuracies. 

Articles on Other Websites

The content of any non-BPO.com.bd websites or web pages is not under the control of and is not responsible for BPO.com.bd. This site does not endorse any of the sites linked to this site, and is not responsible for their contents or their use. BPO.com.bd does not claim to endorse any website or webpage that is not owned or controlled by BPO.com.bd. We take care of the articles only for our website and published in our website only. 

Infringement of copyright

The use or creation of copyright-protected work without the authorization of the copyright owners is known as copyright infringement. BPO.com.bd requires others to respect its intellectual property rights, so it respects those of others. It is encouraged that you notify BPO.com.bd if you believe that material located on or linked to by the Website violates your copyright. We will take the rest of the steps to manage the issue. 

Patents and Trademarks

All other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the Website, Products, and Services are the property of BPO.com.bd or BPO’s licensors. We may be granted a license to use these trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos exclusively for our own benefit and use, or they may be the property of their respective owners. BPO.com.bd or third party trademarks are not subject to any right or license granted by your use of the website. 

Additional Notes

Each party shall take out adequate insurance coverage to cover its risks under this Agreement, including but not limited to a general liability policy. It is the responsibility of each party to maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures for the protection of data processed on its own systems and on third-party systems being used by the involved party. It is not responsible for any delay in performing or failure to perform any of its obligations to you. 

Our Responsibilities Towards You

This section contains important information, so take the time to read it carefully. BPO.com.bd explains what extent (if any) it accepts responsibility (liability) to you for your use of Business-standard.com or for any products or services that we refer to or advertisements or we assume no financial responsibility arising from your use of BPO.com.bd or the content published on BPO.com.bd, unless you are a premium subscriber to BPO.com.bd.

FAQs For Terms & Conditions

Another person must accept (agree to) your Terms and Conditions in order for them to be legally binding. If your Terms and Conditions are created to cover the use of a website, getting acceptance can be tough. BPO BD’s skilled and experienced team is usually in charge of this.

A detailed definition of the services provided, payment terms, delivery timelines, and warranty details are frequently included in T&Cs. Your terms and conditions will vary depending on the service you provide, but they will always include the following:

  1. A copyright license for the website
  2. A liability disclaimer
  3. A clause that specifies the appropriate law and the jurisdiction for resolving disputes.
  4. A clause defining acceptable usage

The rest is entirely up to you and your website’s nature.

Yes, the Terms and Conditions are enforceable in court. Or, at the very least, they may be legally enforceable if: you have gotten approval in the correct manner. This indicates that your customer has agreed to your Terms & Conditions voluntarily.

The importance of terms and conditions can be attributed to a number of factors, including:

  1. They establish the guidelines for how customers utilize and pay for your goods and services.
  2. They may be able to assist you in enforcing such rules in court.
  3. If you make a mistake, they might limit the amount of money you have to pay in damages.

Get Know Of Our Terms & Conditions

If you have any questions, email us at info@bpo.com.bd Or you can call to us at: PH: +880 9606999122